Student Handbook

Student Handbook 2014/2015

  1. Student Fees & Registration
  2. Student Services
  3. Dryden High School Achievement and Attendance Policy
  4. General Information
  5. Safe and Supportive Student Code of Conduct
  6. Alcohol and Drug Use Policy
  7. Dress Code
  8. Computer and Internet Use Policy
  9. Cell phone use
  10. Emergency Procedures

Student Fees and Registration

A student fee of $35.00 will be collected upon enrolment in Dryden High School. $25.00 will be used to offset the cost of running the the Argosy. Each student will receive a copy of the Argosy.

TOTAL $35.00 (additional $5 for a lock if required)

Lost Books: If a student loses a book, issued equipment etc., the replacement price will be paid by the student.

Each student must complete a student registration form as accurately as possible. It is important that all information requested on the form be supplied. It is the responsibility of the student and parent to notify the office of changes to phone numbers or addresses to allow us to contact parents about school issues.


Student Services

Students in need of health advice or assistance should contact the Northwestern Health Unit which is located on Van Horne Avenue (223-3301). The staff of the health unit can provide the following:
1. Confidential counseling regarding: any health related concern, weight controls/diets/birth control/pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, or anything that is bothering you.
2. Screening for vision and hearing problems.
3. Information for your projects on health related topics.
4. Immunizing when you are due for your booster shots. You will receive an immunization card when you graduate.

The health unit does offer a sexual health clinic at Dryden High School on Monday’s from 11:00-1:00

1. INJURY – first aid and assistance will be provided by the school staff. In case of serious injury or illness, an administrator or staff member will take you directly to a clinic or hospital. They will attempt to contact your parents to notify them of the situation.
2. MEDICATIONS – School staff may not provide Aspirins or other over-the-counter medications and will administer only prescription drugs to students in accordance with board policy.
3. ILLNESS DURING THE DAY – Students becoming ill during the school day should contact their home or parents and must report to the main office before leaving the school to go home.
4. STUDENTS WITH MEDICAL CONDITIONS – If you have a serious medical condition, please notify the school staff. A medical file will be set up for you to assist us in managing your health emergency. Students with diabetes, active asthma, serious allergies or anaphylactic type reactions, seizure disorders, etc. must have a medical file in the school office. All health information is kept confidential.

The counseling office is located in the student square of Dryden High School across from the main office. We have counselors who are here to help students as they develop from adolescence to adulthood. Counselors are here to help students to know and appreciate themselves, to get along with others, to develop appropriate education plans and to explore career alternatives. The counseling office has a computer to assist students with career planning. The counseling office also works closely with community agencies to provide many confidential services to students within the school.
In helping students and their parents during this growing process, the student’s individual differences are respected and appreciated. While all teachers share this commitment to help students, counselors with their specialized training are in the best position to ensure that students benefit from accurate and up-to-date information and receive sympathetic direction and support. The counseling office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. If you think we can help, please call us or come in and see us.

Your user-friendly resource centre is open daily from 8:00 am to 3:45 pm. It is available for quiet research and reading. There are a variety of newspapers and magazines for browsing. Fiction and non-fiction books can be signed out by students for two weeks. Reference materials can only be photocopied. A/C equipment and materials are signed out by staff for student use in classrooms. Twenty Dell computers are available for classroom use, homework and end task assignments. Library research methods change with technology and databases, designed for high school students are purchased and are available for students to expand the research capacity of our library. The library is also your go to point for Netbook/student laptop sign out, form completion and repairs.


Breakfast Program

If you have missed breakfast in the morning the window at the Student Resource Center offers a selection of breakfast options as well as juice to start off your day. If you need a snack throughout the day there is a selection of fruit available in the main office on the attendance desk.

The cafeteria opens at 8:00 am, where you can get breakfast, pre order lunch or pick up a snack. The staff try to cater to the students and teachers and are open to suggestions for food choices and students with allergies. We ask all students to help keep the cafeteria clean by getting rid of their own garbage, returning the trays, etc.

High school is meant to be years of fun and learning. To achieve this student participation in various areas of interest is important. You never want to look back and say “if only I’d joined this” or “if only I’d signed up for that.” Get involved, meet new people and have fun! It is the student volunteers who help everyone enjoy high school more . . . through dances, theme days, pep rallies, activity days, and many more special events. So this year make it a priority to get involved, and you’ll never have any regrets.

Students must be in 3 classes each semester in order to participate in any NorWOSSA activity/sport. If a student is failing a course the student may lose the privilege of missing any school time to participate in any extra-curricular activity. The student is not removed from the activity but rather cannot miss any class time in order to participate.

Both staff and community volunteers provide students at Dryden High School with an excellent athletic program. Try out for any of the following teams: Basketball, Volleyball, Football, Hockey, Golf, Soccer, Badminton, Cheerleading, and Wrestling, Cross Country, Track and Field and Nordic Skiing.

Drama, Music, Yearbook are all well established clubs at Dryden High School. Periodically from year to year there are a number of other clubs which operate more or less on the changing needs of students. For instance, check out the GSA, weightlifting club, anime club, the robotics club,df the SAVE group, or any other clubs, forums etc… that you hear about on the announcements. If you have an idea for a club of your own, find a staff advisor to help, talk to the administration.

Dryden High School Achievement and Attendance Policy

Note: DHS Achievement and Attendance Policies may have changes occur during the school year reflecting provincial, board and/or the school’s new direction, focus or policy- these changes will be communicated clearly to all students.

The Keewatin-Patricia District School Board believes that student achievement is impacted upon by a number of criteria. Student attendance, student attention to homework completion, level placement of the student and classroom behaviour are identified areas that impact directly upon student achievement. In order to provide successful learning opportunities for students attending Dryden High School, the following procedures will be followed in our school:

By the end of the second week of school students will have an outline of each course, with a guideline as to the topics covered, a clear explanation of the evaluation procedures, including marks allocated for each category of the course. Course outlines are posted in classrooms and are available upon request from the parents through the main office.

The anecdotal reporting period ( approximately the 5th to 6th week of the semester) will provide students and parent/guardian with the opportunity to receive a report on the general achievement of their son/daughter from each of his/her teachers. The report will include the level of achievement, absences, school related absences and lates attained by the student. An area for written comments will also be available. A tear off section to be signed by the parent/guardian and returned to the school will be included. A classroom teacher can provide the generic anecdotal at any time during the semester and expect that it be returned, signed by the parent/guardian. Teachers are to provide copies of all anecdotals for students to the guidance office. Teachers of failing students will complete a credit rescue form with the student and outline the criteria to move to a passing mark. Criteria to lead to this passing mark include: extra-help sessions at lunch hour, regular completion of homework, regular attendance, and positive classroom behaviour. The expectation is that the student be passing or have improved his/her mark significantly by the time the report card is issued. The school Administrative team will review the student’s progress and decide upon the continuance based on the information from the teacher. Should the Administrative team agree that the student has not fulfilled their expectations after the anecdotal was issued, the student may be removed from the course. Students who are absent are responsible for getting caught up. To do so may involve getting work from another student, going in for extra help, and wherever possible, getting the work from their teacher ahead of time. Teachers will provide students with a reasonable amount of time to get caught up after returning from an absence or a series of acceptable absences.

Formal Reports are issued in the middle and end of each semester.
SEMESTER 1 – Mid Term Report issued around Nov. 15 and Final Report issued around Feb. 8.
SEMESTER 2 – Mid Term Report issued around Apr. 18 and Final Report issued around July 9.
Parent Teacher Interview times and dates will be announced in the media.

Teachers at Dryden High School use a wide variety of assessment techniques to evaluate student progress. The school has a comprehensive set of Assessment and Evaluation procedures that teachers use, depending on the type of course. Students will be given assessment and evaluation outline for each course that they are taking in the school. This outline is an overview regarding the types of assessment and evaluation that will be used in the course. Students also have a responsibility to complete work as assigned and attend regularly.

Students are required to complete all evaluations for courses at Dryden High School. This includes final examinations, end tasks, culminating activities and in-class final tests or examinations. Only in exceptional circumstances will students be exempted from final evaluations at the discretion of the school administration. Students will normally receive a mark of zero for these final evaluations that are not completed. Going to work, starting a family vacation early are examples in which a zero will be assigned. In addition, students that are severely ill and absent from formal examinations and in-class examinations are required to present a doctor’s certificate, verifying their absence.

Dryden High School has a very strict policy regarding plagiarism which will be outlined in English and Social Science courses at the beginning of each semester. Students must realize just how important it is to footnote correctly and to correctly acknowledge the sources of the information in any report.

The granting of high school credits in Ontario is by the school principal. Students are required to fulfill requirements based on achievement of curriculum expectations and criteria as defined in the Education Act. Students of non-compulsory school age who simply do not attend school or choose to gain employment that occurs during instructional periods will be removed from the register.

Students are encouraged and expected to be in classes on a daily basis, on time and prepared. Regular attendance is the primary factor for student achievement. Students who are absent from class on a frequent basis will have difficulty in meeting the expectations for courses.
Teachers will contact parents of habitually absent students. Dryden High School uses SynerVoiceTM communication software to notify parents of student absences. Parents will receive an automated call indicating an absence. Extreme absenteeism seriously impedes the ability of students to meet course expectations and hinders the progress of other students in the class.
Unauthorized absences (Truancy):
– sleeping in – concerts – missing the bus – work – haircuts – personal reasons – skipping or when the student is not willing to give a reason (Students are required to give the reason for an absence to a counselor or an administrator, but a reason must be given.)
Acceptable absences:
– trips with family – family emergency -approved sports trip/ community activity (except during examination days) – illness
Upon returning from absence
The student will be required to submit a note to the attendance desk explaining his/her absence. If the student does not have a note he/she has 24 hours to provide suitable documentation to verify the absence.

Students who are absent from school for all or part of the previous day require an admit to present to the teacher of the missed class(es). The note that includes the days or time absent and reason must be presented to the attendance secretary prior to going to your class. An admit slip will be printed at the main office that will be required to be presented to each teacher for classes missed. The attendance secretary will be available for a half hour before the beginning of period 1 and throughout the day during breaks, spares and lunch. Students are expected to take care of receiving their admits at a time which is convenient to them but does not keep them from getting to class on time. Parents may also phone the school’s attendance secretary in order to produce an admit for their child which may be picked up at the office upon their return.

There are four (4) classes with a 10 minute break between periods – 1 and 2 and 3 and 4. Students are expected to go to their next class as quickly as possible. Dryden High School follows a 5 day rotating schedule. Student course and room schedules are printed on their timetable.

During the national anthem and the morning announcements, students must cease all activity and give each their immediate attention. Any student who for religious reasons may wish not to stand for the national anthem must see the Principal before being excused.

Teachers of any class may assign personal detentions to any student for lateness for unacceptable reasons. Students arriving late continually will be sent to the administration for counseling and/or discipline.

Students are reminded that truancy and skipping are not acceptable behaviour in Dryden High School. A student will receive ZERO on a test or assignment that is missed due to truancy. Students are considered ABSENT for the day that they are not in school however upon return to school students should present a note that authorizes their absence with an acceptable reason. If no note is provided, the ABSENT will be changed in the school record to a TRUANT. The onus is placed on the students and parents to inform the school of legitimate school absences.

This protocol applies to students on school teams/clubs/organizations where students are required to miss class. It is the school’s expectation that:
– member of teams/clubs etc. are in good academic standing and have regular attendance
– the coach/staff adviser or school administration at their discretion may prohibit student from missing class time for such activities
– students travel with the understanding that they are representing Dryden High School.

General Information

Students may park in the east parking located along Duke Street. Parking behind the school from Casimir Avenue is for school staff and KPDSB employees only. Unauthorized vehicles will be removed from these areas. There is no student parking at the Dryden Regional Training and Cultural Centre without authorization. Parking Passes for the Dryden Regional Training and Cultural Centre may be available for purchase during the  school year.

Assemblies may be held at various times during the year. Attendance at assemblies is compulsory. Students are expected to behave in a quiet courteous manner. Students may leave the gym only with the permission of a teacher. Personal listening devices are not allowed to be played during assemblies.

• Upon the acceptance of the assignment of a locker the student acknowledges that the locker is the property of the Board and that the Principal or their designate, may enter and search the locker and its contents at any time without prior consent of the student.
• Only assigned lockers may be used and only locks from the school ($5 lock rental fee) or acceptable locks that registered (lock serial numbers and combination) at the main office, are permitted on each locker.
• It is in the students’ best interest to keep the combination to their lockers confidential.
• The lockers assigned will be the students’ for the year.
Students are responsible for anything found in their locker. Only acceptable posters or pictures may be placed in lockers. Students are not to write on their lockers. Lockers will be required to be cleared and cleaned by students after their last exam in June.
• Students are responsible for the care of their lockers that they are registered. Students will be charged to offset the costs of repair and painting damaged lockers.

Students should leave valuables such as jewelry and any large sum of money at home. If valuables such as cell phones, personal listening devices, music instruments, laptops and other electronic devices are brought to school they are the sole responsibility of the student. We advise students who choose to bring electronic devices to school to keep them in their possession at all times to avoid having them lost or stolen. Students are reminded not to leave any valuables in change rooms.

Laptops: Students may bring personal lap tops and are encouraged to bring KPDSB laptops and netbooks with them. We advice that students keep their Laptops with them at all times.

Ipods/MP3 Players/Other listening devices: Usage of listening devices “Ipods” and MP3 players will be at the sole discretion of individual class teachers. Students that are instructed that such devices are not to be used in specific rooms will be required to follow such instructions. Such devices cannot be used during formal tests and exams. Students in non-compliance may have these devices confiscated by the office.

Change Rooms: Valuables MUST NOT be left in the change rooms. These rooms are not secure and the school cannot be responsible for any losses from these rooms.




Dryden High School may host a number of dances throughout the year. Administration may refuse entry to dances for any students who appear under the influence of drugs or alcohol or students whose behavior is unacceptable. Only Dryden High School students may attend dances unless otherwise announced. If guests are permitted they will need to be approved before the end of the regular school day prior to the dance.

Please note that students may be required to take a breathalyzer test before being eligible to enter some student activities (i.e. dances).

Security cameras are located at various places around the school to help keep our environment safe. The cameras may be moved at any time.

Parents and legal guardians have right of access to student information for students under the age of 18 years. Please contact the school to discuss your request.

Parents and visitors are required to report to the main office upon entering the building. (Section 305- Ed Act Reg 474 – Access to School Premises Regulation). Please see a member of the office staff to make your request for access to our facility.

Dryden High School Safe and Supportive Code of Conduct

All schools in Ontario now have a consistent set of behavior expectations for students. These expectations include behavior and incidences at or on all school class or coop activities as well as extra-curricular activities and events, including on school buses, occurring within or outside the school day. Certain unacceptable behaviors, such as fighting, possession and/or trafficking in drugs, possession of a weapon, etc. are absolutely unacceptable and will result in suspensions and/or expulsions. As always, students in Dryden High School are expected to behave responsibly and respectfully toward each other and all school staff. Students must comply with staff requests. Students, at any time, can request to go to the main office to discuss disagreements that are unable to be resolved with a teacher. In addition, students are reminded that:
• Smoking and/or the use of Tobacco products of any type is not permitted in the school or on Board property. This includes the steps in front of the school and the area around the southwest door. Students will receive one warning and further incidents will result in disciplinary action.
• The use of profane language is prohibited at Dryden High School.
• The possession and use of alcohol and drugs are strictly prohibited. See policy later in handbook.
• Dryden High School has a strict anti-bullying policy.
• Students are not to touch, hit or strike any other students/staff. Threats, intimidation, fighting or harassment of any type are not tolerated.
Students engaging in such behavior will be disciplined as per Board policy.

Dryden High School uses progressive discipline, including restorative practices to discipline and resolve unacceptable behavior. Every incident is different and will be investigated, accessed, including mitigating circumstances prior to consequences and discipline for inappropriate behavior. Serious incidents will result in lengthy home suspension and when necessary, expulsion.

Violence will not be tolerated. Students who are fighting or physically harming others may be suspended and the police will normally be involved. Students should be aware that violence means not only physically harming another student or staff member but also threatening to impose harm on another student or staff member. Instigating and/or encouraging an act of violence will result in disciplinary action which may include suspension.

All individuals in Dryden High School will be treated fairly and consistently and any individual who feels that they are being harassed in Dryden High School is asked to report this concern to a teacher, a guidance counselor or the administration. All harassment complaints will be investigated. The administration certainly reserves the right to call in the police if the administration feels it is warranted. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, bullying, verbal comments, sexually inappropriate or racist comments, or any other unsolicited action that causes students distress or discomfort.

Dryden High School expects all individuals within the building to treat each other with respect. Should a student find him/herself in a situation where a conflict with a student or a teacher is escalating the student has the right to request of the teacher that the student go to the office immediately. No further discussions with the student will take place and the student will be sent immediately to the main office where the administration will work with the student and teacher to resolve the conflict. Teachers are asked to ensure that the student arrives at the office after having requested that he/she go there.

Students will be disciplined if they are caught vandalizing the school. The police may be contacted and students are reminded that they are financially responsible for any damage that they do to the school. Students are also reminded that there is a Crime Stoppers organization where money can be obtained for reporting acts of vandalism or other illegal activities. Students caught vandalizing our school will face all or some of the following: police involvement; suspension; cleaning up the school (sweeping, garbage collecting); detentions; financial compensation to the school. Together we can keep this school beautiful.

Any student on any team found to be responsible for hazing any other student will be removed from the team and may receive disciplinary action in addition to all loss of extra-curricular privileges.

Students must maintain a thoroughfare in the all at all times, including break and lunch hour. Students are asked to place all their garbage from lockers or lunch in waste containers placed throughout the school. When not in a scheduled class, students must go to the cafeteria, library, student square or out of the school.

a. Graffiti and acts of vandalism will be dealt with severely.
b. The co-operation of all students is sought in reducing littering in the cafeteria, halls and on campus.
c. Acts of theft or damage of property of others will be handled by the school administration. Certain cases may be turned over to the police.
d. Nearby residents are our neighbours and friends, respect their property. DO NOT litter or loiter in these areas.
e. Students responsible for damage to school, whether deliberate or accidental, are responsible for repair or replacement.

The Board has very clear regulations governing the conduct of students while traveling on the buses to and from school. Infractions may result in detentions, suspension of bus privileges and/or suspension from school.

It is the policy of Dryden High School to follow the Keewatin Patricia District School Board policy direction relative to “Multicultural Race and Ethnic Relations.” Specific to this aim, the following policies for Dryden High School will be followed.
1. All students will be treated fairly and consistently.
2. Equal opportunities for both male and female students will be given with request to curriculum courses and co-curricular activities.
3. Every effort will be made by staff to serve the needs of disadvantaged students.
4. School staff will be encouraged to promote appropriate multicultural activities when the need arises.
5. All Staff are to report to the administration of the school all real or suspected racial incidents. Such incidents will be thoroughly investigated and appropriate action will be taken.

In accordance with the Education Act, students are obliged to act in a courteous manner to schoolmates and be respectful and obedient to all teachers. The acceptance of reasonable discipline is as important to a student’s education as is the acquisition of skill or knowledge. Thus students are expected to do as instructed at all times. Students have recourse to Guidance Counselors or the school administration should they wish clarification of any school policy or staff request. Failure to comply with school policy or staff request may result in detentions, suspensions and/or parental interviews. Detentions or in-school suspensions once assigned must be served even if a student is suspended from school for failure to serve detentions or in-school suspensions. Students are required to report to the office immediately when instructed by any staff member in the facility.

1. Where warranted teachers may issue personal detentions to students. These detentions take precedence over jobs, team or club competitions, practices and school detentions.
2. Personal and office detentions MUST be served.

The use of alcohol or non-prescription drugs by any student on school property or while attending any school contest or activity is strictly prohibited. Students found in the possession of either or who are believed to have consumed either in the abovementioned situations are subject to school suspension and/or legal charges.

Smoking and use of tobacco products are prohibited within the school and on all surrounding property. Due to the harmful and deadly effects of tobacco products, and legislation from the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, the use of tobacco products are not allowed on any Keewatin-Patricia District School Board property.

For the purpose of this policy tobacco products include spit tobacco also known as smokeless, dip, chew and snuff in any form and any lit or unlit cigarette, cigar, pipe, etc… Tobacco use includes smoking, chewing and dipping.

Students can be fined $305.00, under the Smoke Free Ontario Act, if found holding lighted tobacco products or smoking on school property. A warning(s) may be issued, followed by a letter to the Northwestern Health Unit and tobacco Enforcement Officer (TEO). On a second offence the TEO will fine the offending student by issuing a Provincial Offence Notice.

Alcohol and Drug Policy

The Keewatin-Patricia District School Board is opposed to students using, possession of, or trafficking in, drugs or alcohol for illegal purposes, and will actively attempt to protect young people from those who do. Trafficking, or intent to traffic, is recognized as the most serious drug-related offense. The Principal, by law, may refuse to admit to school a person whose presence would, in his judgment, be detrimental to the physical or mental well-being of pupils.
It is the policy of this Board to deal with illegal use of drugs or alcohol by students in the following manner:

a. Drugs and Alcohol Education Program
Emphasis in the instructional program in the intermediate and senior division will be centered on the hazards of the illegal use of substances as outlined in the schedules to the Narcotic Control Act, the Food and Drug Act, and the Liquor License Act. The stress for the program will be at the Grade 7 and 8 level. As much as possible, this portion of the curriculum will be taught by teachers on staff or by personnel representing community agencies who have special training or expertise in this field.
b. Drugs – Possession of Illegal Drugs
• A student found on Board property with suspected drugs in his/her possession is subject to disciplinary action as per Board policy.
• Parents will be notified immediately.
• Any suspected substance found within any school building shall be left where found and secured in some manner and the Police Department shall immediately be consulted. No teacher shall, for any reason, handle or touch any substance found and suspected to be an illegal drug.
• Students found on school property and charged with possession and/or trafficking of illegal drugs are subject to immediate discipline as per Board policy. Such discipline includes a mandatory suspension/expulsion from Dryden High School as per KPDSB policy.
• A student from any other school under the Board’s jurisdiction found with drugs, as defined, in his possession at any school, or any school sponsored event is subject to the same disciplinary measures.
c. Alcohol – Possession and Use of Alcohol Beverages
• A student found on any KPDSB property in possession of, or under the influence of, any alcoholic beverage is subject to disciplinary action.
• A student in possession of, or under the influence of, any alcoholic beverage during school related activities is subject to disciplinary action.
• Any student, regardless of age, who consumes alcoholic beverages during the school day and who returns to school during the school day, is subject to disciplinary action.
• Any student under the jurisdiction of the KPDSB who violate any of the above, and is in a school other than his own, is subject to disciplinary action by his/her Principal upon notification by the school where the infraction occurred.
• The Principal may suspend the student for a period of up to one month for any of the above infractions.
• Students supplying alcohol to minors will also face disciplinary action.
d. Co-operation with Law Enforcement Officers
In all matter pertaining to the illegal use of drugs, the Principal shall cooperate with the law enforcement officers. However, before police are allowed to interview any student, all attempts will be made to contact the parents and they will be asked to be present. In their absence, an administrator will be present and act in “loco Parentis.”



Dryden High School Dress Code Policy

Students are expected to dress in a neat, clean and attractive manner that reflects personal pride and respect for others. Questions of appropriate dress will be decided upon by the school administration. The following are guidelines for students:
• Clothing, including footwear, should be neat and clean. (e.g. free of tears, holes).
• Pictures/Logos on clothing should not be offensive to other students or staff (e.g. drugs, alcohol sexually suggestive pictures and logos, or are not permitted).
• Clothing should not interfere with the ability of the student or others to learn (this includes, but is not limited to, bare backs, “short” shorts, bare midriffs, halter tops, and similar items of clothing).
• Certain types and styles of clothing may be required for certain classes (e.g. technical, chemistry classes).
• Studs, sharp objects or anything that poses a hazard to students, are not acceptable and must be removed.
• Caps and hats are not permitted in the offices, the school library, the small gym and the Gordon Wood Auditorium. Rules regarding hats in classrooms are at the discretion of the classroom teacher.
The final decision regarding appropriate dress rests with the school administration. Students arriving at school with inappropriate dress will be required to change. This may involve being picked up by parents/guardians to return home. Students who choose to ignore the school dress code will be disciplined by school administration, up to and including school suspension.
Students are reminded that the Code of Behavior applies to all busses and to all school events that occur either within or outside the normal school day. Students must remember they are representatives of the school at all school events, including, but not limited to, sports events, drama trips, field trips for curricular purposes and other events that necessitate student travel to another location (e.g. Coop placements) and are expected to dress and behave appropriately at all times.

Computer Policy and Internet Regulations

Every student upon entering Dryden High School will be issued a unique personal computer account, along with the opportunity to sign out a personal laptop or netbook through the school library. A computer account and personal computer is an important privilege and each student must protect their computer account and laptop/netbook as they would their personal belongings and locker. Following are some important guidelines that must be adhered to.
• Do not use your account for any type of abusive or subversive activity.
• Do not bring any computer games into the school system.
• Do not save files to the local hard drives. Use portable USB drives or learn how to save to your personal account.
• DO not share your laptop/netbook with others
Student Responsibilities
• The student exercising his/her privilege to use the COMPUTER/INTERNET as an educational resource shall also accept responsibility for all material in his/her account.
• Students will accept the responsibility of keeping copyrighted software of any kind from entering the school via the COMPUTER/INTERNET
• Students will accept the responsibility of keeping all pornographic material, inappropriate text files, or files dangerous to the integrity of the network from entering the school via the COMPUTER/INTERNET.
• It is a student’s responsibility to maintain the integrity of the electronic mail system. Students are responsible for all mail received under their user accounts and must report all violations of privacy.
Students found to have violated the Computer Use Policy and their computer responsibilities will be disciplined. Students may have their account restricted or cancelled, receive a home suspension and could be removed from courses that require computer use.

Cell Phone Usage

Students may use cell phones in a respectful manner outside of class time throughout the school. Lost, stolen or damaged cell phones are not the responsibility of Dryden High School. Students bring these devices to school at their own risk.

Cell phone use in classrooms is at the discretion of the teacher. If classroom or school rules regarding cell phones are not adhered to school staff reserve the right to confiscate cell phones based on their disruption to the learning environment or disruption to the moral tone of the school.

Emergency Procedures

a. A loud and continuous ringing of a bell is a signal for fire evacuation.
b. Students must move quickly to the nearest fire exit (a sign above the door in each classroom indicates the appropriate direction and exit).
c. Students must remain well away from the school until an “all clear” is given by the Principal or Vice-Principal.
Fire Drills will be practiced throughout the school year.
Any tampering with a fire alarm system is a serious offense and the police will be contacted.

School procedures are in place to deal with internal, external and environmental lockdowns. These procedures may be periodically practiced throughout the school year.

A. School Closure
During the course of the school year emergencies resulting from mechanical breakdown, severe weather problems or by human design may require the closure of the school. Should such an emergency occur during the school day notice will be made via the local radio station. Students living in town will be allowed to return to their homes provided they live close enough to do so safely. If not, arrangements will be made to locate them temporarily in an elementary school or at the Dryden Memorial Arena, if evacuation of D.H.S. is required. Otherwise they will remain at school until arrangements can be made to get them home. Students living out-of-town will be returned home as soon as transportation via school bus can be provided. Should this be unavailable they will be looked after according to the plan described for town students unable to return home. I am requesting that you arrange a plan with a friend or relative, in the event that you may not be home to look after your child during such an emergency, so that your child has an alternative place to go in these circumstances. Should the closure occur prior to the start of the school day, you will be notified via the local radio station. Any time you feel that weather conditions are too severe; you may use your discretion in deciding whether or not to send your child to school.
B. School Evacuation
On occasion it may be necessary to evacuate the school because of local emergencies (chemical spills, forest fires, community emergencies, etc.) If sufficient time is available, school buses will be called and students dismissed to go home. Announcements will be made, if possible, over the local radio station. Where immediate action is necessary, the students will be lead by their teacher, on foot, out of town following the evacuation route given by the public information officer or the police. School buses will be used when available. In this case, parents are advised not to try to reach the school, as the school will be attempting to evacuate all students in a safe, orderly manner. In the event of such an evacuation, parents are requested not to proceed to the school to pick up their child(ren) since this will cause traffic problems, hinder the process and endanger student and parent safety.

The Transportation Department of the Keewatin- Patricia District School Board requests that parents contact the department if their child uses bus service and has any type of potentially life threatening medical condition. Parents will be provided with a form to complete, information will remain confidential. This information will be provided to bus operators/bus drivers, so if a related medical situation occurs on the bus, the driver will understand what is happening and what action to take. Please be aware that bus drivers are not trained to administer any medication, including epi-pens and inhalers. A bus driver aware of a child’s condition could assist the student by retrieving the inhaler or pen from a packsack, for example. However, the drivers cannot be directed by the Board to administer any medication. We want parents to be aware that the purpose for collecting the information is to enhance the ability of a bus driver to recognize a medical emergency, and to respond appropriately (within the limits of his/her training). In most cases a drive would respond to the onset of a life threatening medical situation by requesting Emergency Medical Services. Parents of student with epi-pens or inhalers must be aware that the student (or a friend or sibling on the bus) may have to administer any medication required. We suggest and strongly recommend that parents develop for their children a contingency plan should an emergency occur on the bus requiring the use of an epi-pen or administration of any other medication. The Transportation Department can be reached by calling 223-5311 ext. 256