Northwestern Health Unit Dental Screening

During the school year, a Dental Professional from Northwestern Health Unit will check the dental health of students up to and including 17 years of age. This involves a quick look in the mouth with a flashlight or with a sterilized mirror, explorer and vinyl gloves.

The screenings will help us plan the school dental health program, measure the effects of water flouridation, build a postive dental attitude in children, identify and follow-up children who have urgent dental needs. Screenings do not replace regular visits to the dentist.

If screened, your child may be given a card to take home. If dental treatment is needed, a form offering financial aid will be mailed to you.

If further dental services (cleaning, fluoride, or sealants) would benefit your child, information will be sent to you. Your child may also receive brushing and flossing instruction.

If you do not want your child to be screened, you must send a letter each year to your local Northwestern Health Unit stating your child’s full name, age, grade, and school.

If you have any questions, or if your child has a serious allergy or medical condition that you would like to discuss, please call Preventative Dental Services at (807) 468-3436 ext 329 or toll free at (800) 465-4377.

Yours truly,

James Arthurs, MD, MMM

Medical Officer of Health (A)