Rules and Regulations 2009

Violence will not be tolerated. Students who are fighting or physically harming others will be suspended and the police will normally be involved. An act of violence causing injury that must be treated by a professional will result in expulsion and the police will be involved. Students should be aware that violence means not only physically harming another student or staff member but also threatening to impose harm on another student or staff member. Instigating and/or encouraging an act of violence will result in disciplinary action which may include suspension.

All individuals in Dryden High School will be treated fairly and consistently and any individual who feels that they are being harassed in Dryden High School is asked to report this concern to a teacher, a guidance counselor or the administration. All harassment complaints will be investigated. The administration certainly reserves the right to call in the police if the administration feels it is warranted. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, bullying, verbal comments, sexually inappropriate or racist comments, or any other unsolicited action that causes students distress or discomfort.

Dryden High School expects all individuals within the building to treat each other with respect. Should a student find him/herself in a situation where a conflict with a student or a teacher is escalating the student has the right to request of the teacher that the student be sent to the office immediately. No further discussions with the student will take place and the student will be sent immediately to the main office where the administration will work with the student and teacher to resolve the conflict. Teachers are asked to ensure that the student arrives at the office after having requested that he/she go there.

No bare midriffs will be allowed in Dryden High School. With normal posture shirts and tops must cover the top of the pants. Skirts must be at least mid thigh in length. Clothing must not be offensive to either other students or staff members. Clothing is unacceptable if it promotes illegal activities or has sexual or racist overtones. Students are reminded that this is a school and clothing and appearance must therefore be appropriate. The final decision regarding appropriateness rests with the school administration. The full dress policy is in the student handbook. Studs being worn or sharp objects of any kind are not acceptable. Students may be required to cover offensive clothing or they may be sent home to get appropriate attire.

Students must be in 3 classes each semester in order to participate in any NorWOSSA activity/sport. If a student is failing a course the student may lose the privilege of missing any school time to participate in any extra-curricular activity. The student is not removed from the activity but rather cannot miss any class time in order to participate. The Board policy will be posted in every room and teachers will make students aware of its contents.

By the end of the second week of school students must be given an outline of the content of the subject which they are taking, with a guideline as to the order of topics and a clear explanation of the evaluation procedures for that course, giving the marks allocated to each area of evaluation. Course outlines will be posted and students are to be told they or their parent/guardian can obtain a copy upon request to the administration.

On hearing a fire alarm students must exit out of the appropriate exit for that classroom. Students in the halls must exit through the nearest doorways. Any tampering with the fire alarm system is a serious offence and the police will be contacted.

Students are asked to remember that excellent behavior in the hallways is required as there are classes going on until 3:10 p.m. every day. Students are to refrain from eating or having open liquids in the hallways other than at lunch and only where permitted. During class times students are to be in the cafeteria, the student square, the library or outside the building.

Students will be disciplined if they are caught vandalizing the school. The police may be contacted and students are reminded that they are financially responsible for any damage that they do to the school. Students are also reminded that there is a Crime Stoppers organization where money can be obtained for reporting acts of vandalism or other illegal activities. Students caught vandalizing our school will face all or some of the following: police involvement; suspension; cleaning up the mess and other messes like it; detentions; financial compensation to the school. Together we can keep this school beautiful.

The Board has very clear regulations governing the conduct of students while traveling on busses. Because of the potential danger involved with any misbehavior the school deals very severely, including loss of bus use, with any students caught misbehaving on school busses.

Due to legislation from the Ministry of Health smoking is not allowed on any Keewatin-Patricia District School Board property. Students will be reported to the smoking abatement officers if caught smoking on school property, which may result in a fine exceeding $305. The use of chewing tobacco is also not permitted on the school premises.

Students are reminded that the school administration has the right of access to all lockers and we may search at any time and without notice and students are responsible for anything found in their lockers. Although the students own their school locks, the lockers have been loaned to them. Students are also reminded that there should be no vandalism in the lockers. Students are not to use magic marker on their lockers. Students can tape up acceptable posters and pictures but please do not write on the lockers or you will be required to clean them.

13. HATS
Hats must NOT be worn in the work areas of the school, which include the office, the library, the gym and ALL classrooms.

Students are expected to behave themselves appropriately in assemblies. Failure to do so will result in the student’s privilege of attending assemblies being withdrawn.

Students are reminded that they are to comply promptly and respectfully with staff requests.

Students may not park in the parking lot back of the school. Student parking is permitted on the designated area of the Duke Street ramp or on the Duke Street parking lot. Please use the area responsibly in order for parking privilege to continue. Smoking is not allowed in the parking lot. The parking lot at the auditorium is not for student use unless specific permission has been obtained.

Students have a book/library book/locker deposit, which is redeemable at the end of the year, when your return your textbooks/library books. They also have a student fee, which gives the student a school agenda, a yearbook and is used as a discount for admission to dances. In order to participate in any school club or activity, which derives some funding or could derive some funding from the Student’s Council or the Athletic Association the student, must have paid their student fee. The fee is made up of a $35 book deposit, $20 for the yearbook and $5 for the planners.

It is expected that students will behave in the cafeteria and students are reminded that everyone at the table is responsible for cleaning up the mess created by eating lunch. Failure to behave properly in the cafeteria may result in either a short or long-term suspension from the cafeteria.

The Board has very clear policies regarding the zero tolerance of the use or possession of drugs or alcohol during the school day or at any school event. Possession of illegal drugs results in a mandatory suspension of up to 20 school days. Selling/trafficking of illegal drugs WILL result in an expulsion. Any incident will result in police involvement. The full policy is available in the school office and is in the school agenda.

Students are expected to be on time for all classes. Students who miss over 15 minutes of a class will be considered absent. Classroom teachers will deal with student lateness on an individual basis. Students who are consistently late for class will be referred to the office.

Students are expected to be punctual and present for all scheduled classes. Truancy is not tolerated at Dryden High School. Truancy is not tolerated at Dryden High School. Truancy will result in school discipline up to and including removal from the course(s) if course expectations cannot be met. The attendance policy will be provided to you and posted in your room. Students found in the building when they should be in class are considered to be blatantly truant and will be automatically suspended.

Notes must be provided for authorized absences and students must get their admit from the attendance secretary prior to going to class.

Students are not to use the elevator without permission.

Any student found on any team to be responsible for hazing any other student will be removed from the team and may receive disciplinary action in addition to all loss of extra-curricular privileges.

The computer use policy must be followed. Students are reminded that computers are to be used for educational activities only.

Student cell phones must be turned off when entering the school. Cell phones
cannot be used while inside the school building. Failure to abide by this rule may result in disciplinary action by the teacher and/or school administration.

Listening devices such as CD Players, IPODS, MP3 players, etc. are not to be on or worn during classroom instruction unless given permission by the classroom teacher. Such devices cannot be used during classroom evaluations such as quizzes, tests or during formal exams.

Students should leave valuables such as electronic devices, money and jewelry at home. If any valuables are brought to school they should be kept in the student’s possession at all times. Students are reminded not to leave any valuables in gym change rooms.