Business Leadership:Management Fundamentals (BOH4M0)

Course Outline
Introduction to Information Technology (BTT100/2O0)

Welcome to Business Leadership! This course will give you skills and knowledge that will hopefully benefit you in your career and in life.

Upcoming Tests & Assignments
Introduction to Business (BBI 200)
Student Marks
Marketing 11 (BMI3C0)

Wednesday January 13, 2016 - We

Wednesday January 13, 2016 - We will use this day to finish up yesterday's assignment and a few little other odds and ends.

Tuesday January 12, 2016 - We will work on the Managment Careers in Canada Assignment. You can use the following websites to help you:
Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA)

Monday January 11, 2016 - We will have a Chapter 5/Organization Test. Maybe in the time remaining, we can get a little foosball tourney going.

Friday January 8, 2016 - Those of us that have completed our recent shifts will have a day in lieu. Those who have not are EXPECTED to be in class for a make up assignment that will be for marks.

Thursday January 7, 2016 - We will have some time to finish our Performace Review forms. We will play a review game to get ready for our Chapter 5 test on Monday.

Wednesday January 6, 2016 - We will review what Performance Appraisals are all about. We will watch a satirical video from the Scrubs show on Performance Appraisals. We will then create our own Performance Appraisal recording form.

Tuesday January 5, 2016 - We will have twenty minutes or so to finish up what we need to do for our training videos.

Monday January 4, 2016 - Today, we will look again at Human Resources. We will be looking the specific aspect of TRAINING. We will create a training video to give to a new employee. This should be a pretty fun assignment.

Thursday December 17, 2015 - We will put together and hand out the Stocking Grams.

Wednesday December 16, 2015 - Today was a snowday.

Tuesday December 15, 2015 - We looked at what Human Resources is, and had a focus on the Hiring Process, which looks at Selection, Recruitment, Orientation and Training. Then, we worked on the D2L site Unit 5, Activity 5, Assignment 1 - Discussion 1-Managing Generation Y. Please complete this and submit via the dropbox.

Monday December 14, 2015 - We may start the class with a quiz. We will will look at Human Resources. We will talk about Labour Laws, Employment Standards Act, the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act, employer equity, human rights, and collective agreements. We will work through the Human Resources-Legal Considerations Worksheet.

Friday December 11, 2015 - Well... since you have worked so hard in the school store, I hope that you enjoy your day off today.

Thursday December 10, 2015 - Looks like we need one more day for the Changing Nature of Work assignment.

Wednesday December 9, 2015 - We will work on our Changing Nature of Work assignment. For additional content, you may wish to have a read of this little Flexible Work Arrangment Handout as well as doing some Google searching.

Tuesday December 8, 2015 - We will continue with the Changing Nature of Work. We will review the concepts from yesterday. We will do a fun crossword puzzle that looks at the concepts from yesterday as well as alternative work arrangments. We will then look at the "Job Design Alternatives" worksheet and have a discussion about that. Finally, we will start the Changing Nature of Work assignment.

Monday December 7, 2015 - We will look at the Changing Nature of Work. We will work through and discuss the Changing Nature of Work handout. This includes looking at job design, job scope, job depth and task specification. Then, we will watch a video on "The Changing Nature of Work at Google". Please write down some of the main messages from this video. Also, please wire down the main messages or points from the video as well as any interesting points from this video. It is a very refreshing look at how to run a company.

Friday December 4, 2015 - We will have a bit of time to finish our . Then we will play a little organizatinal structure game (actually it will be a race). Then we will watch a video on "The Changing Nature of Work at Google". Please write down some of the main messages from this video. Also, please wire down the main messages or points from the video as well as any interesting points from this video. It is a very refreshing look at how to run a company.

Thursday December 3, 2015 - We will continue to look at the Organization unit! Please work on the Trends in Organizational Structure worksheet.

Tuesday December 1, 2015 - Wednesday December 2, 2015 - We will have a few store days to do a few things including getting the store decked out for Christmas, Christmas promotions, etc.

Friday November 27, 2015 - If all goes well, we will have a day-in-lieu for our fine efforts in the store.

Thursday November 26, 2015 - We will start the class with our Leadership Test today. Make sure that you are here. Make sure that you are on time. A zero will be given to anyone who misses this test without a 1) good cause and 2) a note from a parent/guardian. Getting a tatty or a haircut is not a valid reason to miss.

Wednesday November 25, 2015 - We will have a little time to finish up our Organizational Design Assignment. Next, I would like you to work on the Organizational Structure Acronyms worksheet to familiarize yourself with some of the terms that we will be using in the next little while. Finally, I would like you to use this Practice Test Shell to create a practice test and answer key in an attempt to help you study for our test tomorrow.

Tuesday November 24, 2015 - We will then play a game to review the Leadership Unit. We will then start the Organization Unit. We will look at the D2L Site - Unit 5 Activity 1. Please review the content here and complete this Organizational Design Assignment.

Monday November 23, 2015 - We will finish up our posters on Leadership Style.

Friday November 20, 2015 - We will have a bit of time to work on our LEADERSHIP THEORY assignment from Wednesday. It is due at the BEGINNING of class on Monday.

Next, I would like you to make a very COLOURFUL and ARTSY poster about LEADERSHIP STYLES. You can use the D2L site (Unit 2 - Activity 6- Business Leaders) to learn about the five styles (autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, collaborative, and charismatic). You can use a computer or old school paper and (pencil) crayons, glitter glue, ribbons, etc etc. The MINIMUM size for this assignment is 8.5 x 11 inches. Use examples when possible. Try to put things in your own words. We will have about half the class to work on this on Monday. Include a title.

Thursday November 19, 2015 - Today was a snowday.

Wednesday November 18, 2015 - We finish up with our promotions and then get back to our Leadership lesson. We will continue to discuss Effective Leaders and a number of leadership theories. Please complete the following questions:
1. Leadership Grid - How would YOU lead? Pick a job, a senario, etc, and explain how you would lead your team to a certain quadrant on the grid. Pick a quadrant/coordinates on the grid that would be realistic.
2. Think of a time where you were ian effective leader. What leadership traits did you exhibit? What leadership theory best describes your leadership. Explain ewith examples/rational.

Tuesday November 17, 2015 - We will continue with our look at the Leadership unit. Specifically, we will look at Effective Leadership and a number of Leadership theories.

Monday November 16, 2015 - We will finish up our group activites for today. Near the beginning of the class, I would like you to do a pitch/presentation for your group topic, just so we can banter around any ideas.
At the end of the day, I would like all advertising to be set up for all of the avenues we talked about. Also, we should have the respective products researched and hopefully ordered.

Friday November 13, 2015 - We will continue with our groups for our respective promotions. Please ensure that you are working through the 4P's and that you are really thinking your promotion through for all things that you must consider.

Wednesday November 11, 2015 - Thursday November 12, 2015 - We will work on promotions for the school store.

Tuesday November 10, 2015 - Today we will continue our work with Teams.

Monday November 9, 2015 - Today we will talk about Teams

Friday November 6, 2015 - Today, for most of us will be a day-in-lieu. Enjoy... You've earned it.

Thursday November 5, 2015 - Today we will finish up the Job Satisfaction unit with the Classifed Ad assignment.

Wednesday November 4, 2015 - Today we will look at Job Satisfaction. We will watch the two Frederick Herzberg videos on the D2L site to understand his theories. We will complete a worksheet for this.

Tuesday November 3, 2015 - Today we will have ten minutes to finish up the D2L stuff we were working on yesterday. We will talk about attitude and behaviour today and go through a worksheet.

Monday November 2, 2015 - Your tests are due today at the beginniing of class. We will use the day to finish up the personality assignments on the D2L website.

Friday October 30, 2015 - Today is a PD Day. Woooo Hoooooo.

Thursday October 29, 2015 - Today we will start the Leading Unit. We will talk about personality type, how it is important in Managment and then work on the D2L site, working with the Content page and the Assignment page.
On the CONTENT page, please make sure that you have:
1. reviewed the notes.
2. done the online Myers-Briggs test.
3. Done the True Colors (Kaili) test.
4. Watched the video on Emotional Intelligence.
On the ASSIGNMENT page, please make sure that you have done assignment 1 (Big Five) and Assignment 2 (Briggs Myers).
Also, I will be giving your tests from Monday back... You can take them home... They are due at the BEGINNING of class on Monday...

Wednesday October 28, 2015 - Today we will do some price calculations. We will continue to decorate the store and the doors, do some advertising, etc.

Tuesday October 27, 2015 - Today will do some decorating and store organizing.

Monday October 26, 2015 - Today we will have a bit of a test on Planning and Control.

Friday October 2, 2015 - We will have our Unit Test on Management Fundamentals today.

Thursday October 1, 2015 - We will have time to finish up our case from yesterday and then review for the test tomorrow.

Wednesday September 30, 2015 - Today, we will work on the Ethics and Ethical Dilemma Case assignment.

Tuesday September 29, 2015 - Today, we will:
1.) Work on the Erin Brockovich worksheet... group discussion.
2.) W
e will get back on the D2L site. Once on here, I would like you to work on:
a) go to the CONTENT page for Unit 1:Activity 5. Read both pages.
b) On page 2, watch the video.
c) On page 2, read the code of Conduct for both Canadian Tire and Sobeys. Read them both. Pick one and in your notes, answer the following:
a) Briefly summarize the information that this document contains.
b) In your opinion, reflect on if this represents the organization well. Explain why or why not.

Monday September 28, 2015 - We will finish watching the movie Erin Brockovich. Take some notes as there will be a follow up assignments.

We will have a bit of time to finish up our assignment from Friday. Half way through the class, I would like to start watching a great movie that relates to Ethics and business. It is called Erin Brokovich, and is based loosely on a true story. .

Friday September 25, 2015 - We will have a quick review of the concepts of CSR. We will then start watching a great movie that relates to Ethics and business. It is called Erin Brokovich, and is based loosely on a true story.

We will have a bit of time to finish the assignment from yesterday. We will hopefully then start to watch a movie.

Thursday September 24, 2015 - Please ensure that if you haven't done so already, you have handed in your Case assignment (one of the choice of two) and your Volkswagen assignment.
We will start the class with a quiz. We will then continue our look at CSR. We will look at the framework for solving ethical dilemmas, then we will look at some smaller ethics scenarios..... oh... and somewhere along the way, I'll bet we'll be talkin' bout Volkswagen... good timing for this little faux pas from what used to be the world's biggest automobile maker. We will also jump onto the D2L site. Once on here, I would like you to work on:
a) go to the CONTENT page for Unit 1:Activity 5. Read both pages.
b) On page 2, watch the video.
c) On page 2, read the code of Conduct for both Canadian Tire and Sobeys. Be prepared to discuss your thoughts on both of these.
Finally, we will work on a large case study.

Wednesday September 23, 2015 - I would like your Volkswagen cases handed in today if possible....tomorrow at the latest. I would like to start the class with a small quiz. Then, we will start the last chunk of the Fundamentals of Managment unit which is all about Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility. We will look at what it is, why companies do it, why they don't, etc etc.

Tuesday September 22, 2015 - We will do a quick review of the Management Fundamentals unit. We will then finish up the Volkswagen case.

Monday September 21, 2015 - We will review the Case Study Method. One of the two cases is due tomorrow. You will have to do it for homework.
Today, I would like you to work on reading the current Financial Post Volkswagen article. In a Microsoft Word document, please type up for me a report which summarizes:
a) Summarize the article in a paragraph or two.
b) Discuss the severity of the problem. Who all is affected?
c) Besides the possible penalty to Volkswagen mentioned, what other forms of discipline to Volkswagen and its upper management should occur?
d) Work through the Case Study Method. Although we are not experts in the automobile industry by any stretch, work through it like you are part of the Volkswagen upper management. I would also like you to include a discussion of short-term, medium-term, and long-term courses of action. When this is finished, I should have a solid understanding of how you would handle this situation.
Please make sure that you use YOUR OWN words, check for spelling, grammar, punctuation, that you use proper headings and titles.

Friday September 18, 2015 - We will discuss the Case Study Method. We will then implement what we have learned by working on one of two assigned cases.

Thursday September 17, 2015 - We will watch the remaining two presentations. Then, we will discuss clothing for the Eagle's Nest.

Wednesday September 16, 2015 - Today, I would like to look at the following:
1. We will go through a handout called Types of Managerial Problems. You will get into groups of 3-4. Discuss each of the types of problems and then list some 2-3 examples from your life for each type of problem. 2.Next, we will look first at a 2 sided handout called Managers as Problem Solvers/Types of Thinkers. Please read this and then complete the Handout Managers as Problem solvers.
3. Then, I would like you to go to the D2L site: Unit 1:Activity 4: Business Communications. On the CONTENT page, please complete the following:
a.) Please take your own note on the criteria for "Useful Information". Make sure that you understand what this means.
b) Take your OWN note on Email Basics. Then, please click on the link just below titled
c) on the Unit 1:Activity 4:ACTIVITY PAGE, please complete the assignment given, which, in a nutshell is to watch the video on digitial footprint, and create two messages in the discussion area, based on the questions asked on that page.

Tuesday September 15, 2015 - We will have our Managment Styles Group Expert projects from the groups that are ready to present. We will then look at the Acme Hockey Case Study!

Monday September 14, 2015 - We will work on our Group Expert project on Managment Styles.

Friday September 11, 2015 - We will have a day in lieu for all of our hard work at the school store.

Thursday September 10, 2015 - We will look at Management Theories and start the Group Expert project.

Wednesday September 9, 2015 - We will have a little icebreaker game about leaders and then we will continue with our look at What is a manager. Please ensure that you have submitted this assignment with the rubric.

Tuesday September 8, 2015 - We will look at What is a Manager. Please go to the D2L site and go through the Content of Unit 1:Activity 2. We will look at:
a. What is a manager?/Four managerial functions
b. Management Levels
c. Managerial Roles
d. Managerial Skills and Competencies
Please watch the videos and complete the assignment for this activity. Please submit either in a printed MS Word document or in the dropbox.

Friday September 4, 2015 - We will finish up the D2L activity from last day and then we will work on getting things ready to open the school store on Tuesday!

Thursday September 3, 2015 - We will carry on from where we left off yesterday. We will review what it means to be an organization. We will also look at what a mission statement is and what it is comprised of. I would like you to log into the D2L site off of the kpdsb website.
1. Check out mission statements for Canadian companies on the Unit 1 Content site. Discuss.
2. Look at the blurb on Organizational Theory/Division of Labour
3. Complete the "Check your Understanding" - 3 Questions.
4. Activity 1: What is an organization - mission or vision statements.

Wednesday September 2, 2015 - We will start the class with the hospital administrator case.
We will also look at what it means to be an organization and have a disucssion on that.

Tuesday September 1, 2014 - Welcome to Business Management: Leadership 12. Today, we will introduce the course, play a few games and icebreakers, etc. We will look at the hospital administrator case. Part of this is to identify the actual problem.


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