Parent Survey

Name of School Date

Teacher Name:

Course/Subject Grade

To support excellence in teaching and learning, the Keewatin-Patricia District School Board seeks input from parents. This input focuses on the level of parent/guardian satisfaction with communication about their child's learning and progress.

Please respond to the following statements using the rating scale provided.
  1. The teacher communicates expectations of my child in a clear and professional manner.
    Always Often Sometimes Never Not Applicable

  2. The teacher uses appropriate techniques to communicate with me about my child
    Always Often Sometimes Never Not Applicable

  3. The teacher communicates with me in a timely manner about my child.
    Always Often Sometimes Never Not Applicable

  4. The teacher uses a positive and professional manner when communicating with me about my child
    Always Often Sometimes Never Not Applicable

Although only signed forms are to be submitted, a parent/guardian has the right to request the removal of identification before the form is shared with the teacher.

Name of Student Completed by parent/guardian:

Thank you for your input