DHS Students Rock (climb)!

Students in DHS Outdoor Ed and Phys-Ed classes were able to try their hands at Rock Climbing on Wednesday. A portable wall was set up behind DHS and students were able to harness up, don a helmet and clamber their way to the top. 

The wall was open over lunch and for a toonie donation students could climb the wall and compete for prizes.

Check out some pics here.

DHS Transportation End Task

Mr. Fenez’s Grade 12 Transportation Technology students have recently completed the building of “Redneck Lawnchairs”. These are gas powered chairs that the students had to design, build and drive at least four laps around the DHS track.

Check out the video below for an overview of some of the building, testing and racing.

Computer Engineering “End Task” project

Students at DHS are beginning to work on end-of-semester culminating activities. The culminating activities or end-tasks incorporate all of the knowledge that the student has gained over the semester.

In this photo, Shad Esperitu shows off his Computer Engineering end task project. After examining the function of the various IC chips in the circuit, Shad built this hardware random number generator.

Great work, Shad!

Here is another picture of the completed project.

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