Fog Condition Procedures for Bus Students



Further to a procedure that was put in place in 2005 in all areas, we wished to remind you of the Fog
Condition Procedure. This is the time of year where our operating area can have fog conditions
resulting in poor or no visibility. Please be aware,

“If a driver is unable to make a scheduled stop safely because of poor visibility due to
fog, the driver has full discretion on whether he/she stops.”

This means that that a student(s) could be left standing at their stop or conversely not dropped off at
their stop in the afternoon. It is the responsibility of the Consortium to ensure that all bus stops are
safe, not only for the students boarding/disembarking but also safe for the students and driver who are
already on the bus. This procedure is in place for safety reasons for your children as well as oncoming
motorists or following traffic whose visibility is also compromised. Safety and conduct of students to
and from the bus stop/service is the responsibility of the parent. We request that you discuss the
possibility of this happening with your children and work out a plan if the bus goes right by.

Thank you.


Judi Green
Manager of Transportation

Volunteer Hour Information

In order to graduate with an Ontario Secondary School Diploma, each student must complete a minimum of 40 hours of community involvement activities, also known as “volunteer hours”.

The purpose of the community involvement requirement is to encourage students to develop awareness and understanding of civic responsibility and of the role they can play and the contributions they can make in supporting and strengthening their communities.

Dryden High School has prepared this list of approved organizations that students can earn volunteer hours with. Students need to complete a Student Tracking Form and submit it to the guidance office in order to have their volunteer hours added to their total.

There is never a better time than now to begin working towards your volunteer hour requirement! Contact the DHS Guidance office if you need help finding the volunteer activity that is right for you.

Approved Organizations
Student Tracking Form

What do you need to graduate?

The Ontario Government has produced this informative poster that outlines the requirements for graduation with an Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

Check it out and make sure you’re on track!

If you have any questions or need help with your goal of graduating from Dryden High School, make an appointment to speak with a guidance counselor. The guidance office is open from 8:00 to 4:00 and is located in the corner of Student Square, next to the DHS library.

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