March 31st OSSLT (Literacy Test) Schedule for all DHS Students

Thursday, March 31st is the literacy test day.  It is very important that all grade 10 and previously eligible students are present at school to write the OSSLTGrade 9 students must also be at school as they will be participating in a diagnostic literacy practice test.  All DHS staff will be helping to administer these tests.  Grade 11 and 12 students who are not required to write the OSSLT are expected to use the time to complete any unfinished tasks at the direction of their classroom teachers.  Most classrooms will be used on March 31st .  Any grade 11 and 12 students choosing to come to school will have use of the library or cafeteria.  During test time movement throughout the school will be very limited.

For planning and preparation materials and more information about the OSSLT, visit the EQAO website here.