There are five images below of Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp located near Krakow, Poland

This picture is of the barbed wire fences located at the main Auschwitz camp. These are probably not the original fences built during the camp's existence.

This railway bar was used to hang prisoners. Located within viewing distance of this hanging area is a large courtyard where others would witness the hanging. The last hanging took place in January 1945 just weeks before the liberation of the camp by the Russian Red Army.

This picture was taken illegally. It is inside one of the remaining shower rooms at Auschwitz. This is the opening where the SS guards would drop the gas that was used to murder those inside. Inside this room are a number of very dim incadecent lights and a number of shower heads. The sonderkommandos had to remove the bodies and transport them to the ovens. The SS dropped the gas from the rooftop.

Here are some pictures of inmates at Auschwitz. It is assumed that they were sonderkommandos. They were forced to do the gruesome work of transporting the bodies to the crematoriums, cleaning the showers where the victims were gassed and removing any belongings from the bodies. They did this on threat of their own lives. They were executed after a few months of work and others were chosen.

This is what is left of the barracks at Birkenau. All that remains are the chimneys and the foundations of the barracks. One can see the size of Birkenau. Up to 72,000 people were housed here in deplorable conditions. Most of the people who arrived here were immediately gassed. Others may have worked at the nearby munitions factories. Others were used as guinea pigs for Nazi experiments. Those who lived were fed starvation diets and usually died or were shot within a few months.