Summary of Events During the 1947-1948 school year

It is not the goal of this site to include a summary of activities that happened at Dryden High School on a year to year basis. However, the years from 1947-1954 are of significance for two reasons. First of all, the student enrollment was increasing very rapidly, and thus a there was a burgeoning need for a new school with new facilities. Secondly, the scope of courses and extracurricular activities offered at the school was broadening. Within a few years the high school saw the inauguration of a number of well organized sports teams as well as a number of academic activities such as "Career Day" and an "Oratorical Contest".

Here is a brief summary of the activities that took place at DHS during the 1947-1948 year. These activities have been summarized from the Argosy of that year.