A photographic portrait of the life of Russell McIntyre

Here is a picture of Russell as a young child.

A letter that Russell sent to Santa Clause. Russell would have been 8 years old

A picture of Russell in the Dryden area. Russell loved canoeing and spending his time in the outdoors

A picture of Russell's graduating class

A picture of Russell after he enlisted with the R.C.A.F. According to Vi Stansfield, Russell dropped by a local pharmacy to say goodbye to everyone when she took the picture.

A picture of Russell with his father, Alexander McIntyre. Mr. McIntyre

Pictured here is Russell's mother Lorraine, Russell and his aunt Jessie.

Pictured here is Russell with his sister Catherine

According to Russell's nephew Don Chochrane, there is nothing heroic about Russell's death. Russell was trained as a bomb aimer and so he would have been at the bottom of the plane when the plane overshot the runway and landed hard. Russell suffered massive injuries to his head and his chest and died a few hours later in a hospital. His death forever changed the lives of his mother, father and his younger sister Catherine.